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Our Mission
Building a thriving, strong and supportive community for
seniors of Indian origin by staying 
engaged, connected, and informed.

Join Us 
To participate in fun activities,
 pursue your hobbies, and interests, and build lasting friendships.


HomeZoom Meetings

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been hosting virtual meetings with our members on regular basis.  Initially these meetings were held on every Wednesday starting 2:00 PM which have been recently changed to bi-monthly on the recommendation of the members.   The primary agenda on these meetings has been medical update by medical professionals of the group and also share individual  experiences with other attendees.  This has enabled the members to stay connected and cope with the loneliness caused by restricted movement of the members. 

We also invited special speakers to talk on specific topics of interest and also local talents to sing Bollywood songs of golden era to entertain the members as they easily related these songs.